Альзира. Alzira by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "Alzira".Жанры: Lyric tragedies; Stage Works; Operas; Lyric operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the
1154 руб
Арольдо. Aroldo by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "Aroldo".Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and
1254 руб
Атилла. Attila by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "Attila".Жанры: Lyric dramas; Stage Works; Operas; Lyric operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the
Корсар. Il corsaro by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "Il corsaro".Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and
1003 руб
Дон Карлос. Don Carlos by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "Don Carlos".Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and
1956 руб
Эрнани. Ernani by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "Ernani".Жанры: Lyric dramas; Stage Works; Operas; Lyric operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the
1555 руб
Фальстаф. Falstaff by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "Falstaff".Жанры: Lyric comedies; Stage Works; Operas; Lyric operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring
2407 руб
Сила судьбы. La forza del destino by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "La forza del destino".Жанры: Lyric dramas; Stage Works; Operas; Lyric operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores
1906 руб
Жанна Д`Арк. Giovanna d`Arco by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "Giovanna d`Arco".Жанры: Lyric dramas; Stage Works; Operas; Lyric operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores
1304 руб
Двое Фоскари. I due Foscari by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "I due Foscari".Жанры: Lyric tragedies; Stage Works; Operas; Lyric operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores
Разбойники. I masnadieri by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "I masnadieri".Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices
1254 руб
Луиза Миллер. Luisa Miller by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "Luisa Miller".Жанры: Lyric tragedies; Stage Works; Operas; Lyric operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores
1605 руб
Макбет. Macbeth by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "Macbeth".Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and
1605 руб
Набукко. Nabucco by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "Nabucco".Жанры: Lyric dramas; Stage Works; Operas; Lyric operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the
1304 руб
Оберто. Oberto by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "Oberto".Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and
1254 руб
Отелло. Otello by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "Otello".Жанры: Lyric dramas; Stage Works; Operas; Lyric operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the
1956 руб
4 священные пьесы. 4 Pezzi sacri by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "4 Pezzi sacri".Жанры: Sacred choruses; Choruses; Religious works; For mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For chorus with
427 руб
Реквием. Requiem by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "Requiem".Жанры: Requiems; Funeral music; Religious works; Masses; For 4 voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores
1304 руб
Риголетто. Rigoletto by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "Rigoletto".Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and
1555 руб
Симон Бокканегра. Simon Boccanegra by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "Simon Boccanegra".Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For
Стиффелио. Stiffelio by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "Stiffelio".Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For 8 voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; For voices and chorus with orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores
1254 руб
Струнный квартет. String Quartet by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "String Quartet".Жанры: Quartets; For 2 violins, viola, cello; Scores featuring the violin; Scores featuring the viola; Scores featuring the cello; Scores featuring string ensemble;
480 руб
Травиата. La traviata by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "La traviata".Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices and
1254 руб
Трубадур. Il trovatore by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "Il trovatore".Жанры: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices
1655 руб
Бал-маскарад. Un ballo in maschera by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "Un ballo in maschera".Жанры: Lyric dramas; Stage Works; Operas; Lyric operas; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores
1605 руб
Король на час. Un giorno di regno by Verdi, Giuseppe. Verdi, Giuseppe Репринтное нотное издание Verdi, Giuseppe "Un giorno di regno".Жанры: Dramma giocoso; Stage Works; Operas; Comic operas; Opera buffa; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed